Quick Start

Quick Start#


In a seperate terminal install the Developer version of xGT with Docker and run it:

docker pull trovares/xgt
docker run --publish=4367:4367 trovares/xgt

In another terminal install the connector:

python -m pip install trovares_connector

Run a query#

A simple example below shows connecting to Neo4j and xGT, transferring the whole graph database to xGT, running a query in xGT, and printing the results:

import xgt
from trovares_connector import Neo4jConnector, Neo4jDriver

# Connect to xGT and Neo4j.
xgt_server = xgt.Connection()
neo4j_server = Neo4jDriver(auth=('neo4j', 'foo'))
conn = Neo4jConnector(xgt_server, neo4j_server)

# Transfer the whole graph.

# Run the query.
query = "match(a:foo) return a"
job = xgt_server.run_job(query)

# Print results.
print("Results: ")
for row in job.get_data():